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My doubts fade away

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Saturday, September 18, 2010 @ 4:12 PM

It has been 987654321 days since I have blogged.
Nah, kidding it has only been
10days ago, since I last blog.
Well, got back my report book.
Got some unexpected results
I got A1 for Math?!?!
How shocking!
Not bad, this time got
3As and 5Bs
Yesterday was such a hilarious day!
Joke of the year, is contribute by Ruaf!
Evening, went downstair to 'celebrate'
Early mid autumn festival.
Seriously, this year people's singing
Really sucked. Except for some.
But never mind, good job :D
Met up with Bonnie,Yuyi and ShuMin.
Such a great time!
Have lots of secrets leak out :x
Keep walking around the whole neighbourhood
LOL, cause we didn't wanted to burn/have camp fire.
Cause will lead to Air Pollution & Global warming.
Yea...so we just chat and walk around.
Had so much fun yesterday!
Yea.. Yea... I shall end my post now.

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